Thursday, August 9, 2007

.,.sixth meeting.,.

A. What challenge did you take?
  • The challenge that I took was getting a high score in quizzes or long exams in all the courses that I am taking.

B. Were you able to beat the challenge?

  • How do you feel about it?Of course, yes. I feel so happy to beat that challenge even though I only got the passing score in our long exam in physical science. At least, I did my best to get a high score. But, aside from that, I got a high score in Logic’s second long exam that I thought I can’t passed.. =p

C. What have you realized / learned from your experience?

  • What I’ve learned from my experience was, you will not be afraid of taking the test if you did study well or listen attentively in class discussions.

"An Inconvenient Truth"

- The Most striking scene in the movie.

>>The most striking scene in the movie was Former Vice President Al Gore’s slide presentation about global warming, it’s effects to our environment and to us, people.

- Your feelings and emotions while watching the movie.

>>I become aware of what our environment may become if we, people will not some moves regarding this so alarming moral issue.

- Your realization after watching the movie.

>>I realized that people nowadays doesn’t think of what might happened in our environment every time they are using high technology materials that can result to global warming.

- The specific actions you can commit to take care of the environmentThe specific actions that I can commit to take care of the environment are:

· Plant more trees
· Use a fluorescent light instead of a light bulb
· Turn off electrical devices when not in useDrive less
· Recycle material that can be recycled
· Use less hot water
· Avoid using products with CFC’s
· Adjust our thermostat

1 comment:

jEaNsTer_02 said...

im gLad that we both pass the midterm exam in phy-sci! haha! gLing ntn manghuLA! hehe!^_^

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